Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Monday, June 09, 2008

Romancing Life

Romancing life is very much like making love, it is devouring each moment with passion and is best when shared. In a summary it is the developing an exploration of all the senses that our surroundings bring, sight, taste, touch and the music that life plays.
You cannot create a moment, a moment creates itself, to totally enjoy the pleasure of love, it takes bringing two separate indenties and allowing them to merge into one. With my eyes closed and my head tilted back, I imagined you in front of me, our hearts beating in unison and your hand gently brushing against my face, our lips meet and I quiver at the mere thought, passion draws us closer and the moment is consumed by desire. Pleasure is in the sounds of our breathing and the taste of your lips. The occassion is celebrated as the most precious gift you can give, the pleasure of your inner and outer self. The gentle embrace becomes and exploration of life an explosion of joy that bonds both heart, soul and mind. The emotional bond heightens the awareness of the sensuality that surfaces when we bare our inner spirt to another.
I look at life as a journey and through our travels we explore and absorb all the gifts life showers down on us. The journey starts each morning with the first appearance of the sun and continues on through the dark of night when dreams are first spun. I see our trials and tribulations through the test of our lives and might I stay a little longer in a chapter for review, it's because I want to memorize that day through and through. To treasure every moment, understand the why and to make sure that we are prepared to reach out beyond the blue, blue sky. I value all that surfaces, all we share and all we do, but most of all I don't want make a mistake because I so much value you.

1 comment:

Mark said...

I love how you think! True, so true!