Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Saturday, July 03, 2010

I Got It! Runs with the Wind!

I saw her over head,
the white dove in flight,
beautiful as the first snow
on a winter night.

Soaring high she seem to
be alone and I didn't have
a clue which direction
she would go.

She crossed my path and
this much I do know that
we may not understand
it all, until we let it go.

I felt the moment release
my soul and at that very
second your love took
a stronger hold.

Faster and faster with the
wind your energy has my
heart a spin, your love
is always here in me.

I didn't sleep I was up all night
long trying to understand where
it is I belong.

I didn't run into your arms,
as you were here with me and
side by side I felt your energy.

I took to the hills over each and
everyone as I watched the sun
rising on a early morning run.

I can't explain it, no words can
quite describe, the magic of
your love infused heart, soul
and mind.

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