Pictorial Prose

Pictorial Prose
Indulging my most lucid daydreams

Saturday, January 22, 2011


We are more than halfway through January. It is typical weather for this time of year. Bitter cold, snowy and looks like the ice age. I once hear it said  that " we live our heaven and hell right hear on earth. " I thought that pretty much summed it up, since we are more vulnerable a species than we like to admit. Sometimes we can alter the plan, watch our health, try to be careful and maybe extend the journey or can we? There is a old saying " that when our time is up, it's up" Just reading the news and hearing various stories makes you that much more aware of how important and wonderful one moment in a day is. Extremely, for we have been granted the gift of life, now what we do with it, solely remains in our hands. No matter how you look at we are responsible for the choices we make.
Today I felt like I was very much in control of the moment.  The weather frigid and the roads slick and snow covered, I  aimed the car and over the hills I went. It was a very special moment for me, because I was doing something that very natural to me. There was a correlation between the times, from the age of seventeen to now. I had like these flashes, there I was standing on stage at seventeen receiving a medal for most outstanding student. I thought my life was headed at that time in a very different direction. I thought I must have been on an awful long detour as I stood today in front of women teaching them what is only second nature to me. I am not really sure about the final destination but I am ever so aware that I am at the top of the hill and at the same time on a bend. Can't see over nor around it, yet you know it leads somewhere.
I thought to myself is it foolish to have such expectations but than again I know that every door has not been open. So much more awaits and It is not necessarily about my choices, it has more to do with why I am here in the first place. I once thought that childhood was bizarre and that I had great insight because of it.  Without going into great detail, I believe each experience is a lesson in life. What have I learned? Like dominoes, one experience leads upon the other. Almost as if we were truly more than one piece in the great puzzle of life.
In some instances you want to feel sad for the experiences where others suffered or maybe where their life was cut short. Than you realize there is not much you can do about that, they lived out their journey, even if we don't understand it. I am a strong believer of prayer, I don't believe it matters who or what you pray to, as long as you are praying with positive energy.That is where our power comes into play as we come together with love in our hearts and their we begin see the true beauty of life.

Can you imagine a day without love...

There is nothing more magical than listening to the heart in song and the excitement of the soul when it steps where it has never been before.
He once called me a Drama Queen,
I once called him a fool, for love
is so spectacular when it entwines
in its eternal hold.

This is where the journey begins,
and here is where I hold your
hand for you have held my
heart without placing any

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